@Chartered Shakari Bank Niyamitha
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>>> Housing Loan @ 8.25% p.a
>>> Easy Repayment Schedules upto 240 Months.
>>> No Pre Payment charges.

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Mortagage Loans

>>> Mortagage loans @ 10.00% p.a.
>>> Easy Repayment Schedules upto 240 Months.
>>> 0.25% interest rebate for prompt repayment

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Fixed Deposits

>>> 1 year to less than 2 years & @ 7.25%.
>>> 2 years to 10 Years @ 7.00%.
>>> Deposits are covered under Insurance Scheme from Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarnatee Corporation

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Savings Accounts

>>> Minimum balance of Rs. 1,000/-
>>> 3.5% Interest for saving account.
>>> SMS Alearts
>>> NEFT and RTGS arranged on demand.
>>> Interest on Savings Account is credited at the end of every quatrer.

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Current Accounts

>>> Minimum balance of Rs. 1,000/-
>>> RTGS & NEFT Facilities.
>>> Over Draft Facilities.
>>> Current Account for Partnership Firms.
>>> Current Account for Individuals & HUF.
>>> Current Account for Trusts / Clubs / Associations.
>>> Current Account for Companies.

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APPLICATION FOR SHARES : Each application for shares shall be in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive. Each such application shall be submitted alongwith the full value of at least 50 shares, share fee of Rs. 10/- maximum Rs. 100/-  per share and an admission fee of Rs. 20/-. The board shall dispose of such application within two months from the date of receipt.

SHARE CERTIFICATE : The share certificates issued to the members shall have serial number and the seal of the bank and shall be signed by the president and the Chief Executive. The share certificates shall be issued to the members within thirty days, from the date of the resolution of the board.

ISSUE OF DUPLICATE SHARE CERTIFICATES : If the share certificates are mutilated, torn or wornout, duplicate share certificates shall be issued on return of such share certificates. In case of destroyed or lost share certificates, duplicate share certificates may be issued on production of an indemnity bond to the satisfaction of the board. Such share certificates shall be issued and marked as ``duplicate'' on payment of Rs ten per share certificate.

TRANSFER OF SHARES : A member may apply to the board for transfer of shares to another member of the bank. A fee of Rs. 10/- per share subject to a maximum of Rs. 100/- shall be collected from the transferor. No such transfer of share shall be madne unless the member has held such shares for at least three years and tenders his share certificate with his written application for transfer along with the written acceptance of the transferee and necessary fee. No transfer shall be valid until it is accepted by the board and registered in the books of the bank. The board may reject any transfer  application if the transferor does not fulfill the conditions required under the bye-laws

Note :    
1. The value of the shares so transfered shall be calculated in the manner provided in rule 12 of the rules.
2. The board may decline to register any transfer of shares in respect of a member who is indebted to the bank in any way.

1. No member shall be permitted to withdraw in cash any share or shares unless he resigns his membership and his resignation is accepted by the board. The value of the shares so withdrawn / refunded shall be calculated in the manner provided in rule 12 of the rules.
2. The bank shall have first charge on the share amount and dividend of every member for the dues payable to it

The bank shall have the first and paramount lien and charge on all shares, deposits and dividend of the members and shall also have the first charge for the recovery of all its dues from the members from time to time.


QUALIFICATIONS FOR ADMISSION: The following are the qualifications for admission as members of the bank. An individual who is above 18 years of age and who can enter into legal contract and any  person who resides in the area of operation of the bank, who is in need of the services of the bank, who is not a member of any other co-operative bank and who is not disqualified under section 17 of the Act shall have applied in writing together with payment of the value of atleast one share along with share fee of Rs. 10/- per share maximum Rs. 100/- and admission fee of Rs. 20/-

No person can exercise the rights of membership unless he has made such payments to the bank in respect of membership or has acquired such intersest in the bank as may be specified in the bye-laws.

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP : Any person seeking admission to the membership of the bankshall make an application to the chief executive of the bank in the form prescribed for the purpose. The board shall have power to either accept or reject any of such applications. In case membership is refused, the amount paid by the applicant shall be refunded to him in full except the application fee. The applicant shall be informed in writing about the rejection within twenty days from the date of taking such a decision. If, within two months from the date of application for  Admission as member,either acceptance or rejection is not communicated to the applicant, it shall be deemed to have been accepted. Any person whose application for admission as a member has been rejected can appeal to the Registrar  under section 105A of  the Act.

ISSUE OF IDENTITY CARDS TO MEMBERS : To facilitate easy identification of members of the bank, the board shall arrange to issue identity cards with their photographs. Every member shall supply the required number of photographs for this purpose. Such identity cards shall be used to enable the members to participate in the general body and other meetings, to exercise the right to participate in the election of the board, contest and vote there in and for doing any other business with the bank.

NOMINATION : A member of the bank may nominate a person or persons to whom, in the event of his death, his share and other dues from the bank may be paid. Such nomination may from time to time be changed by applying for the same in writing and paying a fee of Rs. 10/- A nomination made by a member under this bye-law shall not be valid in the event of death of the member unless :

    a. It is made in writing and is signed by the member in the presence of atlest two witnesses; and
    b. It is registered in the books of the bank kept for the purpose.

NOTE : The nominee / nominees or the legal heirs or the legal representatives of the deceased who claim the dues shall be admitted as members of the bank, if such persons are eligible to become members of the bank as per bye-law No. 16 & 17. The entire amount of the dues payble to the deceased member shall be transferred to their account after such admission.


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about C S bank
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Savings Account
Current Accounts
Fixed Deposits
Deposit Intrest Rate

Service Charges
Safe Deposit lockers

Bankers Cheques
Net Banking


home loan
mortagage loan
personal loan
Over draft facility
Loan Interest rates
annual report
BYE LAW book
Bank Holidays
Corporate Office:
Chartered Sahakari Bank Niyamitha
No. 1, 1st Main, 1st Block Koramangala,
Bangalore - 560 034.

Phone : +91 080 2552 6266.
Fax : +91 080 2552 6299
E-mail : customercare@csbank.in
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